With the Summit Avenue Regional Trail Master Plan under way, RHA has moved to solicit feedback from neighborhood residents and engage both concerned groups and the City to help provide a voice for our community. RHA is a multi-issue neighborhood association, serving over 360 households from Summit to 94 and the Cathedral to Dale. Our neighbors have an array of needs and opinions. As such, we’re working to engage all sides of the issue and provide access to information. Recently, RHA hosted a presentation by SARPA at the Cathedral, with over 120 people in attendance. This was both informational and activating for many neighbors. RHA has also engaged with the City of Saint Paul to provide feedback on design, voicing that over 75% of our neighbor respondents stated they were firmly against the design plans as they are presented today. The City has offered an opportunity to present to the RHA board and clarify any points of the existing plan. A date is being scheduled. RHA will sending out a questionnaire, requesting neighbors submit their questions to the RHA board. The City has also committed to an Open House once the Master Plan Draft has been completed. In addition to our District Councils and our neighborhood associations such as SARPA and RHA, this will offer another direct feedback loop opportunity. We will continue to send updates. The RHA Board From the city last week: Summit Ave. Regional Trail Master Plan We’re working on development of the draft master plan document that summarizes engagement processes, corridor evaluations, and trail design ideas for the corridor. The latest project design information is available in the June 6th meeting materials.
Community members can connect with their local district councils and utilize the site "Summit Regional Master Plan" to take the survey, map ideas, and share feedback.
Future engagement opportunities will include an open house and public comment period when a draft of the master plan is available, later this summer. Open House event details are to be determined, but will be shared on the project website and through Parks social media outreach.